No, we have not passed away from COVID-19.
Though the last few years have brought little in the way of fresh content, Frodlenet is by no means dead. We simply refuse to die, like a patch of mould that could cause serious respiratory issues if not dealt with quickly.
Due to ONGOING GLOBAL PANDEMIC, we actually have an excuse to not be making any live-action stuff, like that was ever required. Our produce these days is a little more low-brow, so much so that I simply refuse to mention it on this relatively civilised blog. It does exist though! Honestly.
If we ever work on any more "serious" projects, we'll be sure to update this space. In the mean time, please do enjoy the vast back catalogue of Frodle flavoured goodness. If you wish to come and call us mean names, feel free to swing by our Minecraft server (cool, right?) at mc.frodle.net
Until next time!