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Lovely BTS #1: The Dan Bright Conspiracy (pt1)

Updated: May 23, 2018

In classic LDP fashion, we began production on DBC with only a very vague idea of what we actually wanted to make. In fairness, this is partly down to the fact the Brightleverse has only recently come together and we’ve had to retcon most of the story in, with serious exposition only really beginning in Prelude, the penultimate episode of Season 1. Despite the fact that Inauguration came after this, the former does most of the setup work for DBC, inferring the general premise of the hopefully 10 minute plus Season 2 premiere as following the investigation of DI Fuck into the disappearance of Pablo Pedro and Froble Gruber following the events of Cyber Escape and on a larger scale, the disappearance of Dan Bright himself.

Bringing these two characters back into the fold has proven somewhat difficult, especially since Cyber Escape is essentially a loose end in the Brightleverse, with little true exposition or indeed reason to exist. We did see this at the time, but it was intended to have a follow-up episode charting what happened to them in the cyber-verse and their subsequent return to the real world in time for DBC. For various reasons we never actually made this episode, but DBC will reference not only Cyber Escape but also events that occurred during their time in the cyberverse. This should hopefully satisfyingly remove the loose end that Cyber Escape originally created, but we still hope to create a prequel episode set during this time as part of the first half of Season 2.

Returning to the topic of production goes, we still honestly haven’t made much headway, which is down to two factors; the lack of time and lack of a story treatment. By next week both these issues will be resolved as we plan to write the story this week and film the bulk of the episode next week when we have no college. We are still holding out hope that we may be able to move the release forward to the 17th but this depends on how complete it feels by the middle of next week, as we want to be able to allow ourselves time for pick-up shots or even new scenes, but we hope to complete the bulk of main filming by the 15th.

This is the first time in the Brightleverse that we have brought so many characters together for one story, and we have a very clear idea of what the foundations of this episode should be, given its status as a sequel to the episode that kicked off the entire saga. DBC will combine three fundamental elements of LDP filmography; the documentary feel of Disappearance, the constant flow of the shorts and finally the kind of exposition as seen in newer videos such as Prelude, focusing more on giving characters dialogue that helps not only to move along the story but define and develop them for future appearances.

We hope you continue to come with us on this journey into the world of the Brightleverse, as in the end it is the viewers who continue the story by supporting us and making sure we actually finish this crazy thing we started.

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